You are the CEO of your home and you need to start acting like it! God has called us to be excellent, productive, and fruitful in every area. I am a stay-at-home mom and my desire is to be productive at home and in advancing the kingdom of God. I need to run my home efficiently, raise my children in the way of the Lord and provide what my husband needs. My husband works hard and I want to make sure that my house is clean, food is prepared, and our home is organized so we feel at peace. A lot of times we as women, I know I do at times, take things out on our husbands, because we are overwhelmed with everyday life of taking care of the kids, cleaning, shopping, cooking, working etc.; But my goal is to establish a routine so that I can take control of my home.
This month I will be focusing all on how to run your home in excellence by starting off with the little things and being consistent each and everyday. It may take a while to get used to, but that's OK! If you do the little things everyday and do 15 min intervals of decluttering a day; at the end of the month you will feel more at peace! No matter if you stay at home with your kids, work, live on your own; you always want to establish a routine so you can efficiently get everything done and can come home feeling at peace, organized, and not overwhelmed.
During this month I will go over my morning, afternoon, and evening routine and helpful tips along the way. I am going to start off with my night/after dinner routine first. If we don't set up for the next day, the night before, you will wake up feeling behind. We don;t want to spend the mornings constantly catching up on everything from the day before.
Evening Rutuine:
-check your calendar for what you have planned for the next day (for you, your husband, kids, animals).
-put clothes out for the next day (make sure kids have their clothes picked out, homework ready, school stuff ready, lunches packed) I packed my diaper bag for my little guy.
-put away any clothes you still need to put away from doing laundry that day, (we do one load everyday).
-clear a "hotspot" off in your home (place where clutter gathers; coffee table, kitchen table etc) just take a few minutes.
-disinfect and put away my toddler's toys. ( I love using seventh generation disinfectant spray-natural no wipe spray).
-empty trash if full
-start dishwasher
-clean and shine sink
-get my coffee set-up and ready for the morning
-get my son's breakfast ready for the morning
-read/pray, relax and get ready for bed