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Morning Routine....

If you look back at my last post, I went over the importance of a nightly routine. I am not a morning person (whether I go to sleep early or not) so I rather do more at night so I have less to do in the morning and insure that I am prepared for the next day.

Check out my morning routine below...

-Before I walk downstairs:

I make the bed, spot clean the upstairs bathroom (sink, toilet, mirrors; spray, wipe down and Clorox toilets- literally takes 2 min).

Gather anything that doesn't belong upstairs (Manni's bottles, cups from the night before etc); throw them on top of the load of laundry I'm about to do and bring everything downstairs.

-I put a load of laundry in the washer.

-empty the dishwasher

- make breakfast for my family

-feed my 3 pups and fish.

-take vitamins

(While Manni is eating/playing/watching TV):

-I clear off a hotspot (messy/cluttered spot) down stairs

- Clean bathroom downstairs (always want to make sure my bathrooms are clean for when unexpected or last min. guests come over)

-prep for dinner (marinate meat, cut veggies, prep everything so dinner time is a breeze).

-morning prayer/devotional/bible reading.

-morning coffee

-Get dressed and ready for whatever may come about that day (this one is not always easy to do but is so important). My ultimate goal is to get dressed and ready before my husband leaves for work everyday because it takes twice as long when you have a toddler running around. If you are already ready to get up and go to the grocery store, run errands, pick up kids etc. it makes your life so much easier. This is a game changer for when you have a new born or kids in general (getting dressed and ready before your spouse leaves for work) because you actually feel like yourself and you can be so much more productive if you actually shower, get dressed, do a quick 5 min face/hair-do etc.

Sometimes I can knock everything out before my son wakes up, but if not, my goal each day is to get my routine done before 10:30 am. That is with us waking up at 8:30/9.

Tip: Set a timer. You will be surprised how much you can get done in 15 min. My husband timed me the other day and I emptied the dishwasher in 3 min. I know it seems silly but it's an accomplishment to be able to get things done fast and efficiently when your a mom. Don't get overwhelmed, just take it 5-15 minutes at a time.

Tip: If you know me well, you know that I am very particular about my drinks and food (temperature, how it is made and what I drink/eat it in and with). My coffee has to be super hot (hot when i start drinking it and hot when i end) and i love drinking out of normal cup. I hate having to run back and forth to the microwave every five min. because my coffee gets cold from me playing or helping Manni with something. All i do is put my coffee in a thermos in the morning and pour it into a cup a little bit at a time so it stays hot.

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