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Afternoon Routine...

Who says you can't have nice things? I love being able to sit and relax and have a cup of tea in the afternoon while my Manni takes his nap. I like to plan out my afternoon so I get everything done around the house, and still have time for myself. Since I try to stick to a strict morning and evening schedule, the afternoons are just for touch-ups and relaxing if I can. Check out my afternoon routine below...

- Clean up kitchen from lunch (wipe down everything, load dish washer etc).

- Declutter something (10-15 min).

- Start and finish a cleaning/organization project (I try to do a few times a week). TIP ***Don't take out more than you can put back in an hour. Example- if you want to work on cleaning out your pantry; only do a few shelves a day (whatever you can take out and put back in an hour so it's not overwhelming).

If you have a big project; work on everyday for an hour , or even 30 min. and see how much you accomplish by the end of the week!

-Check on laundry and put in dryer. (Remember do 1 small load a day and I start my load in the morning).

-Exercise! I do T-25 so it's only a 25 min. workout. If you don't have a workout you do at home, just go on Pintrest and look up 20 min. workouts, write them down, and get them done! "The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds you will never do it." If you want to look good and feel good- get it done and out of the way. Don't make excuses. If you don't "have time", make time.

-Start dinner.

-Have a cup of tea or relax.

My schedule changes sometimes, but this is what i try to stick to. If i'm working on a project and don't have time to work out while my son is napping, I will either workout while he's up with me or do it before bed while my husband is home watching him. Whatever you want to accomplish in a day, write and down, and get it done! You will feel accomplished, organized and in control of your day.

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