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Make the Vision...Make it Plain.

Our church was blessed so deeply this past weekend with Terri Savelle Foy coming to speak to us. I was impacted so much that I had to share everything that i learned from her, with you in this post! Enjoy and be blessed!

God has given us dreams and visions and if you dream it, you can become it! God has called you to do amazing things in this life and to be an impact and blessing to others. Ask God what it is he wants you to do and take time to sit, wait and listen to his voice. Terri talked to us about having a vision and having drive and discipline to fulfill it. Here is her acronym for D.R.I.V.E.

D- Decision. We need to make a conscious decision about what we want to do, how we want to change and what we need to do to get there. It is 100% our responsibility. Make a decision. Develop a plan and stick to it. The number one reason goals aren't accomplished is because they are out of sight. WRITE THEM DOWN! You are what you behold- you will become what you put in front of you. Write down what you want to be and do, and look at it constantly. Make a vision board and put it somewhere where you can review it daily. Print out pictures and use visual representations for what you are striving to be.

R- have a ROUTINE. You cannot have or complete your vision without a routine to support it. "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine." That may look different to everyone but you need to establish a routine in everything you do. If your house is not in order, start there. "The way you do anything, is the way you do everything." Terry Savelle Foy. If you can't get your house in order, you won't be able to have your business in order, and your employees wont have their stuff together, and so on and so forth.

"Champions aren't champions in the ring, they are just recognized there." God rewards you in public, what you do in private. If you make a decision and write it down, back it up with a routine.

"If you want to do what I do, you need to do what I did." John Maxwell

I- Investment. You need to learn to work harder on yourself, then you do on your job. Yes, we are to work hard on your job, but "work hard on your job- make a living, work hard on yourself-make a fortune." -Terry

For example- instead of listening to music to and from work, listen to a podcast, sermon or leadership message to grow YOU. Cut out 30 min. of t.v. and read a book on leadership or a specific topic for your job or side hustle that will grow YOU as a person. "As you grow, everything around you will grow."

V-Vision. Have a vision. Write that vision. "Write the vision, make it plain." Habakkuk 2:2. Make sure you look at your goals constantly.

"When your vision is clear, the results will appear." Be specific with what your vision is and imagine it on the inside before it appears on the outside. Like faith; faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Imagine it, have faith, and thank God for what you have already become before you become it. "Where there is no vision, the people will perish..." Proverbs 29:18.

E- give it EVERYTHING you've got. Fight for your dreams. "Just as dreams accompany much labor...." Ecclesiastes 5:3

"God is going to hold you accountable for what He told you to do." John Bevere. Listen to God's voice and fight for what He called you to be and do. You are not in it alone. Think about how much more you can be successful with the Lord!

"Don't wish for less problems, with for more skills; and don't decrease your goals, increase your effort." God created you to be a blessing to others. "Somebody in need is waiting on the other side of your obedience."

Take time to dream, and dream big. Take the biggest dream you have; write it down and God can and will easily top it! "Don't share your big dreams with small minds." You don't need to share all of your dreams with everyone. God can do anything and you don't need people to tear down and belittle your big faith. Make sure you keep the right company around you; people who will lift you up, not tear you down.

-Decide how you want this next year to end and work backwards. Speak out what you want into existence. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. And remember," Deciding on what not to do, is just as important as deciding what to do." -Steve Jobs. Focus in on a few things instead of half doing a bunch of little things. The devil wants our attention to be all over the place so we are weak. "Do fewer things more often and get better at them."

-When creating your vision and goals, learn to listen to God's voice and write down what comes in your spirit. Think about your potential, passion and purpose. What are you good at? What are you drawn to? And ask God for clarity.

-Make sure you practice making positive declarations out loud. "What you repeatedly hear is what you will start to believe." Try ending each sentence you say about yourself with ".....and that's just the way i want it."

Example; "I will never be able to hit my sales goals, and that's just the way i want it."

" I will never lose those 15 lbs, and that's just the way i want it."

Be positive and speak out what you want to see and it will happen!

"I will be the top in my division, and that's just the way i want it!"

" I am confident,I am qualified, and that's just the way i want it!"

-And last, be grateful! "A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles." Start off every morning with thanking God and writing down what you are thankful for. The outlook and outcome of your entire day will change. "Gratitude opens doors in your life you never imagined would be opened."

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