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You are what you behold

Did you know that we are almost a quarter done with the year already!? Most people have already kissed their resolutions goodbye before January was even over, but I encourage you to keep going or start back at it! I wrote in an earlier post about vision and speaking things out over your life. Keep your visions in front of you as well as God's word. "Study This Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." Joshua 1:8 This is one of my favorite scriptures because it says it all right here; you will ONLY prosper and succeed in ALL that you do if you OBEY God's word. Just open up the bible and read! "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Hosea 4:6. Ask the holy spirit to renew your mind with God's word. If you have an "off" day and just don't feel like yourself or good enough, open up God's word and read who you are in Christ, read what He says about you and allow His word to fill you, renew you and regenerate you today! Read God's word and build your relationship with Him daily.

Along with reading and speaking out Gods word, Vision boards are a great way to specify goals and keep them in front of you so that you see them daily. Here are a few simple steps to take to ensure you keep your vision ahead of you. Write your vision, and make it clear. "When the vision is clear, results will appear"

To begin, start with your supplies...

I went to Target and gathered up push pins,

a cork board, paper, sharpies, and 3D stickers.

I got sparkly paper at Jo-Anne Fabrics.

I then wrote and typed out all of my specific goals, visions and scriptures i wanted to speak out over my life this year.

' Here are my husbands boards. You can even gather supplies and help your kids make one as well for a fun project that will allow them to start setting goals and visions for themselves.

Don't forget it all starts with God's word. Pray, dig in His word and act on it; obey it! You have to make sure you open your mouth and speak out God's word to build up your faith. If God says it, He will do it; but you need to do your part and actually obey what He is telling you in order for it to work.

"I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. 24 I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours."-Mark 11:23-24

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